- sarcoplasmic reticulum
- саркоплазматическая сеть* * *саркоплазматическая сеть
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
sarcoplasmic reticulum — n the endoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle and skeletal striated muscle that functions esp. as a storage and release area for calcium * * * an arrangement of membranous vesicles and tubules found in the cytoplasm of striated muscle fibres. The … Medical dictionary
sarcoplasmic reticulum — an arrangement of membranous vesicles and tubules found in the cytoplasm of striated muscle fibres. The sarcoplasmic reticulum plays an important role in the transmission of nervous excitation to the contractile parts of the fibres … The new mediacal dictionary
sarcoplasmic reticulum — noun Date: 1953 the specialized endoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle and skeletal striated muscle that functions especially as a storage and release area for calcium … New Collegiate Dictionary
sarcoplasmic reticulum — Endoplasmic reticulum in striated muscle fibers; surrounding the myofibrils … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sarcoplasmic reticulum — Endoplasmic reticulum of striated muscle, specialized for the sequestration of calcium ions that are released upon receipt of a signal relayed by the T tubules from the neuromuscular junction … Dictionary of molecular biology
sarcoplasmic reticulum — noun : the specialized endoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle and skeletal striated muscle that functions especially as a storage and release area for calcium * * * /sahr keuh plaz mik/, Cell Biol. a system of membrane bound tubules that… … Useful english dictionary
sarcoplasmic reticulum — /sahr keuh plaz mik/, Cell Biol. a system of membrane bound tubules that surrounds muscle fibrils, releasing calcium ions during contraction and absorbing them during relaxation. [1950 55; SARCO + PLASM(A) + IC] * * * … Universalium
sarcoplasmic reticulum — sar•co•plas′mic retic′ulum [[t]ˌsɑr kəˈplæz mɪk[/t]] n. hic (lab cbl) a network of tubular membranes that surrounds muscle fibrils • Etymology: 1950–55 … From formal English to slang
reticulum — 1. A fine network formed by cells, or formed of certain structures within cells or of connective tissue fibers between cells. 2. SYN: neuroglia. 3. The second compartment of the stomach of a ruminant, a comparatively small chamber communicating… … Medical dictionary
reticulum — n. a network of tubules or blood vessels. See: endoplasmic reticulum, sarcoplasmic reticulum … The new mediacal dictionary
Ретикулум Саркоплазматический, Сеть Саркоплазматическая (Sarcoplasmic Reticulum) — элементы эндоплазматической сети поперечнополосатых мышечных волокон. Саркоплазматический ретикулум играет важную роль в процессе передачи нервного возбуждения к сократительным участкам мышечных волокон и в мышечном сокращении. Источник:… … Медицинские термины